Accounts Production Software from Andica Limited enables you to prepare and produce final accounts for your clients or businesses of various types and sizes.
Andica Final Accounts Production software for preparation of final accounts with iXBRL tagging. Providing online filing feature to submit accounts to Companies House and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
Accounts Production Software from Andica Limited enables you to prepare and produce final accounts for your clients or businesses of various types and sizes. Also included within the software are features to produce Computations where required.
The software includes standard templates for accounts and computations with the ability to modify and create user defined templates.
Final accounts, accompanying reports and computations can be saved in HTML format that includes iXBRL tagging for submission to Companies House and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Final accounts may also be referred to as statutory accounts. Accounts are prepared from data entered in a trial balance form and any adjustments (journals) made to these trial balance values. The software does not do any book-keeping.
Key features of Andica Accounts Production software include:
Types of business:
The software supports following Legal form of companies:
Business templates
Default accounts templates included within the software:
Default templates cannot be modified and overwritten. Customers can copy the structure of a default template to create, modify and save them as user-defined templates or create a completely new user-defined template.
Templates included within the software supports UK GAAP and IFRS Taxonomy.
The software is iXBRL ready. Default Business templates and the associated Chart of accounts provided within the software are already tagged with relevant iXBRL tags. Accounts and computations reports can be saved in iXBRL format.
Where required, accounts can be submitted online to Companies House using login ID's provided by Companies House.
HMRC require Companies accounts and computation to be submitted with CT600 Corporation tax returns in iXBRL format.
Accounts and computations prepared within this software can be saved in iXBRL format and attached to Andica CT600 Corporation
Tax Software or any other CT600 software that provides a function to attach iXBRL documents.
The software provides facilities to produce various standard reports.
Before installing the software ensure that your hardware meets the minimum system requirements of:
Antivirus software:
A small number of anti-virus software may need to be configured to exclude Andica data files from its scanning routines to optimise performance of the software. Details provided in FAQ web pages.
Server installation (for network edition only):
All specifications as above, plus:
Windows 2003 Server operating system or higher