Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's » The app you're trying to install isn't a Microsoft verified app

The app you're trying to install isn't a Microsoft verified app


When installing an Andica software, Microsoft Windows is displaying a message "The app you're trying to install isn't a Microsoft verified app".


The message you are getting is displayed by Windows Operating System on your computer and not by any Andica software installation routine.

When installing a software on a computer with Microsoft Windows 10 or Microsoft Windows 11 Operating System, you might get a message saying "The app you're trying to install isn't a Microsoft-verified app", this is caused when you have set Windows system settings to only permit installation of applications that come from the Microsoft Store.


The Windows Message may give you an option click the 'Install anyway' button, click this to proceed with installation.

In case you do not have 'Install anyway' button, you will need to change Windows Settings to allow you to continue with installation.

  1. Select Windows 'Start' or 'Search' button
  2. Type 'Settings' to bring up Windows Settings App and open it
  3. On ' Windows Settings' select 'Apps'
  4. On 'Apps & features' panel, look for 'Choose where to get apps'
  5. You may have set to 'The Microsoft Store only (Recommended)' option, this is what is restricting you from continuing with the installation.
  6. Click the dropdown and select one of the other options, either:

    a. 'Anywhere'

    b. 'Anywhere, but let me know if there's a comparable app in the Microsoft Store'

    c. 'Anywhere, but warn me before installing an app that's not from the Microsoft Store'
    Selecting 'Anywhere' will stop this message appearing again for any other software installations you do. Selecting the other options for 'Anywhere, but…' will prompt you with the message box and allow you to click 'Install anyway' button.

  7. The app you're trying to install isn't a Microsoft verified app

Disclaimer: We cannot advise on how you should resolve your computer system issues. Information provided on this web page is given without any obligations and we will not accept any claims or liabilities for any damages as a result of you relying on the information given here, if in doubt you must consult a qualified system engineer. Any web links provided to third party website are for your reference, we do not have any control on the validity and content on those website. We do not take any responsibility you using them or any are on. Copyright to contents remains with the owner of that website.***
