Andica Care Homes Management Software for Residential and Nursing Homes.
Andica Care Homes Management Software is a powerful and flexible information system specifically developed for Small to medium sized Residential Care Homes and Nursing Care Homes.
Andica Care Homes Software is designed to be easy to use yet comprehensive solution providing features to assist managers and carers of care home in recording, viewing and printing of information such as residents care monitoring, invoicing fee payers, staff records and staff roster (rota) planning and scheduling and transferring hours worked to payroll software.
Andica Care Homes Software provides a range of features and standard reports such as resident details, fee payers details, recording of resident's expenses (extras) e.g. hairdressing and funds held, automatic calculation of residents fees and generation of invoices to predefined fee payers and optional links to transfer data to accounting software. Details of General Practitioners, health visitors, local pharmacies and hospitals can also be maintained enabling care home managers to schedule resident's appointment and record prescription details.
All residents and carer's data can be instantly recalled on screen or reproduced in simple, easy-to-follow reports. Management information can be obtained quickly and easily. Recording data and processing transactions is done through easy to follow forms.
Andica Care Homes desktop
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