Technical Advice

FAQ's » Technical Advice - Installation and Windows support issues

Technical Advice - Installation and Windows support issues

This FAQ section contains information about Windows OS, messages provided by Microsoft Installer during installation of Andica software and other messages that may appear while using the software.

Windows Installer and Installation

Enable Windows Features of .Net Framework

When installing the software you are getting a message: An error occurred while downloading the file What would you like to do? Read full article...

When printing reports through the software, you may get a message "System.TypeInitialisationException: The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine. ReportDocument' threw an exception ."
Read full article...

Click here if you encounter the following error during installation: Error reading set up initialisation file generated when attempting to install from a download installation file. Read full article...

If you are getting any problems while downloading the software, it is likely that your browser or computer firewall is blocking you from downloading. Read full article...

Technical messages while using the software

A likely cause is that either one or more of the credentials checked by Gateway servers could not be verified hence the Gateway is rejecting the submission attempt. Read full article...

"Firewall preventing the software access can cause the message "File by Internet process cannot access the internet" or "Dial up network not configured" to appear. Read full article...

Constant Polling during submission of returns to HMRC suggests that there are issues with HMRC Government Gateway services. Software will display submit-poll messages. Read full article...

HMRC have stopped supporting older security methods of TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 which were built into Microsoft Windows operating systems. Read full article...

The 'meta' start tag on line 9 does not match the end tag of 'head'. Line 10, position 3. Conversion from string "The specified XML cannot be pars" to type 'Integer' is not valid. Root element is missing.

The message appears when HMRC server is responding to the submission attempt using incorrect format. Close the submission process and attempt to resubmit the returns a few minutes later.